Log level question

Franco Bruno Borghesi fborghesi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 11:30:00 EDT 2005

Hi everyone on this list. This is my very first post, although I've been
using cyrus imap for a couple of years now.

My question is: is there any way to log when a user deletes/purges an email
from his account?

There is an user of an imap installation who told me a couple of weeks ago
that he had lost almost all his messages. I restored then from a backup;
didn't found anything suspicious on this server, so I told him to check his
home computer configuration.

Same thing happened today. This users access mail from his work computer
(via IMAP), his home computer (via POP3) and webmail (SquirrelMail).
Checking the backups I found that messages where deleted on sunday (there
where 158 messages on saturday's night backup, and only 33 on sunday's

So, is there any way to increase log level, so I can find out from where and
when the messages are being deleted?

Thanks in advance.
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