Solaris to Linux move

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at
Tue Sep 20 14:08:21 EDT 2005

Scott wrote:
> Right now I have a Sun box that has been running Cyrus for about 4 
> years.  The box has 8 Sparc v9 @ 400MHz and 6GB of memory.  About 2 
> years ago we put all of the mail queue, DB, seen and sub files onto a 
> 2GB solid state drive.  This setup has been running fine, supporting 
> about 20K webmail users.  The mail store is on a NetApp that has a 1TB 
> LUN direct FC connection.

8-way machine, 6 GB of RAM, database on solid-state drive and mail spool 
on an FC array ... I don't know all the specific, but that seem like 
pretty good hardware to me.  Is there a particuliar reason why you want 
to move off your Sun box ?  Do you have specific performance problems ?

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