Authentication ok but heaps of lines in log file

Pascal Mouret pascal.mouret at
Wed Oct 26 08:48:22 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I've got a problem (amongst others) with my log files being clogged with 
messages like these, most likely to be caused by cyrus-sasl :
Oct 24 17:13:47 mailup pop3[254947]: could not find auxprop plugin, was 
searching for '[all]'
and that at a rate of about 5 every second
Still, authentication works fine. I use saslauthd (which does not need 
any auxprop plugin, if I did understand the whole thing right).
Is there a way to get rid of these ?
My imapd.conf runs as follow :
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: plain
Is there something else I should add to imapd.conf ?
If I remove "sasl_mech_list: plain", imapd/popd also advertise cram-md5 
and digest-md5 (and log many more errors). Could the problem be related 
to that ?
Does that mean I should recompile sasl explicitely excluding cram-md5 
and digest-md5 ? Or is it something completely different ?
Any hint would be appreciated
Thank you very much in advance for your help

Pascal Mouret
DSII - Direction du Système d'Information et de l'Informatique
Université de Provence - 3, place Victor Hugo - 13331 Marseille cedex 3
Tél:  04 91 10 64 02            E-mail: pascal.mouret at
Fax: 04 91 08 35 00             ou      pascal.mouret at
(Ligne d'assistance (interne) : 04 91 10 85 55 / 04 42 95 34 54)

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