mv virus infected mail files behind cyrus's back

Sebastian Hagedorn Hagedorn at
Thu Oct 13 03:54:52 EDT 2005


--On 13. Oktober 2005 00:21:44 -0400 Dan MacNeil <dan at> wrote:

> dm> Would would it be clean to replace the file with
> dm> another message file [...]
> hz> Not unless your replacement message file has the exact
> hz> same headers, mime segments and boundaries as the
> hz> original message. That information is stored in
> hz> the Cyrus.cache file.  You could just remove
> hz> the original file and then reconstruct the mailbox.
> Thanks, your answer kept us from doing something naughty.
> Would we be bad people if we replaced the msg with another that had well
> formed headers, mime segments, etc and then reconstructed ?

well, it's not really something you're supposed to do on a regular basis 
... a cleaner approach would be much harder to implement, however. So if 
you feel you must do this, the "reconstruct" way should be OK. Note that it 
may cause problems for IMAP clients that use disconnected mode, because the 
UIDVALIDITY of a modified mailbox will change, thus invalidating the 
client's cache.

We don't do anything like that. We scan for viruses when the mail is 
delivered. Obviously not all are found, but I believe that you can't get 
100% protection. SO we try to educate our users to stay alert and not to 
rely only on virus scanners. Modifying mail that's already been delivered 
seems too intrusive to me. YMMV, obviously.

Cheers, Sebastian Hagedorn
Sebastian Hagedorn - RZKR-R1 (Gebäude 52), Zimmer 18
Zentrum für angewandte Informatik - Universitätsweiter Service RRZK
Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - Tel. +49-221-478-5587
Skype: shagedorn
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