Searching multipart emails and using squatter

Derrick J Brashear shadow at
Fri May 13 22:36:49 EDT 2005

On Fri, 13 May 2005, Zachariah Mully wrote:

> 	Due to XML object mime-type, SEARCH BODY requests don't work, as the
> IMAP server has no idea what the heck it is, and therefore, the
> webclient must fetch and retrieve the entire calendar mail store and
> parse it to find relevant entries. This is, of course, miserably
> inefficient and makes the webclient completely useless once the calendar
> mail store has several hundred objects in it.

Hm. Bodes for an extension to deal with this, if (read further)

> 	My question is, is it possible to get Cyrus to recognize the Kolab XML
> object and index it so that the webclient can use SEARCH BODY requests
> to fetch relevant calendar entries?

You have the source, everything is possible. Having something we can (and 
will) distribute is another thing. If it's well designed, certainly it's 
not right out.

> separate cache of the data, but the developers of Kolab don't see a need
> to expose the XML to the Cyrus' native caching and searching by changing
> the mime-type to something like "text/xml" which Cyrus does understand.

So, perhaps they have a good reason for this; have you asked for comment 
from them?

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