Just need a push

cyrus cyrus at micromark.com.cn
Wed Dec 14 16:38:06 EST 2005

On Dec 14, 2005, at 9:57 PM, John P. Speno wrote:

> Hi, my name is John, and I'm a former unix sys admin but I gave it  
> up to be a programmer (yay python!). Now I'm back in the sys admin  
> game for a small family business that needs to scale its order  
> management system better and I think cyrus and IMAP is just the  
> thing, but I just wanted to get a little feedback.
> All orders a now tracked in an Apple Mail.app POP account so  
> there's thousands of locally stored folders containing mail  
> messages on one machine (backed up nightly of course).
> I need to share that among several machines now so many people can  
> process the inbox and arrange the folders as needed. That's  
> basically IMAP, right?
> Beyond that, my concerns are performance and backups. Since the  
> IMAP server will be out on the net, I assume Mail.app's local  
> caching will make searching the mail as fast as it is now. Any clue?
> But what about backups? Supposing I lost the server and it's mail.  
> Would I be able to reconstruct it from the locally cached copy in  
> Mail.app?
> Thanks!
> ----
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just watch out for the apple mail app, I have located corruption by  
the client , when it is used against an  cyrus-imap system.
I am currently working it through with apple engineering.
Lukily for you , the bug relates to the way apple mail caches its  
mails & attachments. ( so DON'T)

That said, once it is fixed, you can use the mail client to cache the  
emails locally , then use apple spotlight to index & search them.

As for your folder system,  yes you CAN do that and it does work very  
well, ( we use exactly the same system in our office)

there is YET ANOTHER bug with the mail app, in that it can make  
backups, but they cannot be used later , (way to go apple, let the  
user think they have a backup), in fact they are totally useless.
(so DON'T)

try the microsoft mail client.


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