Info-cyrus Digest, Vol 1, Issue 12

Gobbledegeek gobbledegeek at
Tue Aug 23 03:20:50 EDT 2005

> You are mixing auxprop and saslauthd methods.  It looks like your
> saslauthd is using pam database, which is really different
> from /etc/sasldb2
> I recommend you to read carefully documentation to Cyrus IMAP and Cyrus
> SASL (which are two different things).
> Ondrej.
> --
> Ondrej Sury <ondrej at>

I tried both shadow and pam  for .../pam.d/saslauthd. Neither worked.
I got it working allright without meddling with this last week. So I
wonder whats the magic directive that will make everything fall in
place... I'll have a look at sasl docs now. Thanks


Nonchalantly yours
[Every thing but Gobbledegook.. !!]

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