Setup Instruction for NNTP on Cyrus

Dawid van Wyngaard dvwyngaa at
Mon Aug 22 10:07:44 EDT 2005


Thanks for the help, but don't worry, mate. I think between a couple of
parties trying to resolve it, it got a bit confusing.



> Dawid van Wyngaard wrote:
>> Ken
>> Taking a couple of steps back.. I have setup a News Server (leafnode)
>> with
>> shared folders. I can now see the news grousp as folders. I then
>> subscribe
>> to these folders, but for some reason can't see any articles in these
>> folders. I can see the articles in a normal news readers...
> I'm confused as to what you're trying to accomplish.  If you already
> have Leafnode setup to handle newsgroups, what do you need Cyrus' NNTP
> support for.  The purpose of the Cyrus NNTP support is to replace
> something like Leafnode.
> --
> Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
> Software Engineer     2495 Main St. - Suite 401
> 716-604-0088 x26      Buffalo, NY 14214
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Dawid van Wyngaard
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