Which database to use?

Martin Balint konferencie at balint.sk
Sun Apr 3 18:24:04 EDT 2005


Me and a couple of friends are starting a small server (FreeBSD 5.3), 
which should serve our own homepages, projects, family emails 
(name at surname.tld), ...
I decided to use Cyrus-IMAP + Postfix as a mail system.
There should be more virtual domains (www and mail).
W: Apache 2 + PHP5 + Mysql 4.1
M: Postfix 2.2 + Cyrus IMAP 2.2 + Amavis + SA3 + Squirrelmail
In general, imagine yourself a commercial webhosting - this should be a 
very similar setup, and requests.

Now, I have a dilemma, which DB to use to store mail accounts. There are 
2 candidates, MySQL 4.1 and OpenLDAP.
Are there any advantages for which one to choose?

What is important:
* Virtual mailboxes - nobody will have shell access to the machine, 
except admin
* Easy administration - a small php backend would be created, where 
domain admin can manage mailboxes (Sieve filters through SqMail plugin 
manageable by mailbox  owners)

I have quite big experiences with MySQL, but almost none with LDAP 
(maybe it's a good reason to learn something).

With MySQL 4.1 I have a feeling, that it won't be possible to use 
pam-mysql, which is required by Cyrus-IMAP?

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