deliver -q won't ignore quotas

Andrew Morgan morgan at
Wed Jun 9 13:06:03 EDT 2004

On Wed, 9 Jun 2004, Jamie Davey wrote:

> Hi all
> I am trying to get a script (derived from the archives of this list)
> running that will deliver a warning mail to users who are in danger of
> breaching / have breached their mailbox quota. The script determines the
> users affected by running the quota command and then tries to send them
> a mail using deliver with the -q directive to deliver regardless of
> their quota usage. It works fine for users who are approaching their
> full quota but not for those currently over it.
> I have run the script without the deliver portion and manually sent the
> mails, again using "deliver -q -l"  and get a "452 4.2.2 Over quota"
> error which disregards the recipient. Is this a bug with deliver or am I
> doing something wrong

The man page for deliver shows:

       deliver [ -C config-file ] [ -d ] [ -r address ]
               [ -f address ] [ -m mailbox ] [ -a auth-id ]
               [ -q ] [ userid ]...
       deliver [ -C config-file ] -l

This indicates to me that -l and -q are mutually exclusive.

I wrote an overquota script.  Here is a snippet concerning sending email
to an overquota mailbox:

        # And build a message to send
        $tmpmsg = $msg_over;
        $to = "$username\";

        # Substitute values into message
        $tmpmsg =~ s/%to%/$to/g;
        $tmpmsg =~ s/%quota%/$quota/g;
        $tmpmsg =~ s/%percent%/$percent/g;
        $tmpmsg =~ s/%usage%/$usage/g;
        $tmpmsg =~ s/%from%/$from/g;
        $tmpmsg =~ s/%date%/$date/g;

        open(OUT, "| /usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver -q -r consulting\ $username");
        print OUT $tmpmsg;

Where $msg_over contains the template of an overquota message that I do
some substitutions into before sending.


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