SQUAT indexes?

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Fri Jan 16 11:42:18 EST 2004

Joe Hrbek wrote:
> If so, any opinion on it?  Good, bad, ugly?  I'm thinking that it would only
> provide a boost to those users that have an incredible amount of email in
> their mailbox, this is an assumption though.

Squatter is wonderful, and it can make a fairly significant difference 
even when you have mailboxes with a less than a hundred messages if 
you're searching message bodies.

Your remote users will love you, especially if you schedule nightly 
indexing of their archive mailboxes.

On the other hand, you pay a fair bit in disk space for your speed, so 
if you're hurting for storage as it is, squatter is not for you.

My boss (he of the 5,000 message never-cleaned-out-or-sorted inbox) 
thinks it's the most wonderful thing invented. Of course, if he'd only 
use _filters_ and learn to use an address book...

Because Squatter doesn't take the same mailbox spec syntax as ipurge 
etc, I use a cron job to update my indexes:

# run squatter on all user INBOXes to update indexes
su - cyrus -c 'squatter -v -s $(cd /var/spool/imap && find user/ -type d 
-maxdepth 1 | sed "s/\//./")'
su - cyrus -c 'squatter -v -r -s user.craig.lists'
#... more selected mailboxes follow

Once I upgrade to 2.2 I expect not to need this, as I gather mailbox 
annotations can be used to select which mailboxes to index.

Craig Ringer

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