Migrate passwords from shadow to mysql

Shelley Waltz shwaltz at cabm.rutgers.edu
Wed Feb 4 12:50:09 EST 2004

Will "autotransition" transition existing md5 crypt passwords
into the sql database as md5 crypt passwords using the
checkpw patch described in this archive?

On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Ken Murchison wrote:

   Ted Cabeen wrote:
   > Ken Murchison <ken at oceana.com> writes:
   >>Shelley Waltz wrote:
   >>>I am installing a new postfix-cyrus mail server.
   >>>I currently have cyrus-imap 1.6.24 authing PLAIN
   >>>from /etc/shadow.
   >>>I wish to migrate the passwords(md5) from the shadow file to
   >>>a mysql database and use this to auth PLAIN using TLS.
   >>>Is there a script available to do so - to migrate the users
   >>>from the shadow file and create the records for mysql authentication?
   >>>I did search, but found nothing.
   >>First, I'd strongly suggest that you upgrade to a recent version of
   >>Cyrus, either 2.1.16 or 2.2.3.  To do this, you'll need a recent
   >>version of SASL (I'd suggest 2.1.17).  Then, you just configure
   >>Cyrus/SASL to authentication plaintext from /etc/shadow and have it
   >>autotransition passwords into the SQL auxprop plugin.
   > That works?  Cool!  
   > Will that store plaintext passwords in the SQL database, or will it
   > store them encrypted?
   The current plugin will store them as plaintext.  There are patches out 
   there which I believe will store them encrypted.

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