Your Cyrus-SpamAssassin integration

Denis V. Suhanov den at
Wed Aug 4 21:02:29 EDT 2004


It  has  probably already been discussed, but anyway - how do you guys
deal  with  the integration of Cyrus IMAP and SpamAssassin? Given that
most  of the users do not have home folders and it is preferrable that
each  of  them  have their own idea of what spam is and what it isn't?
What would you recommends? I thought of having a My SQL background for
SA-settings  and  some  kind  (failed  to  find  any) web interface to
control  it...  or maybe something like cron-controlled sa-learn --ham
and sa-learn --spam?

Thanks for your recommendations.

Best regards,
 Denis                                             mailto:den at

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