Converting unixhierarchysep from "." to "/": experiences?

Greg A. Woods woods at
Tue Sep 9 14:09:38 EDT 2003

[ On Monday, September 8, 2003 at 14:33:44 (-0700), Jason Fesler wrote: ]
> Subject: Converting unixhierarchysep from "." to "/": experiences?
> > in a mailbox name.  If a server decided to use 'a' as the separator
> > character, then the same would apply.  FWIW, you can tell Cyrus to use
> > '/' as the separator by enabling the unixhierarchysep option in imapd.conf.
> Has anyone reported any client issues by changing this setting?

As far as I've seen so far there are no fundamental problems with
Mozilla, mutt, pine or any other client using the UW IMAP client

> pine users, I know I can't
> change (and I know their configs are typically hard set).

Well, yes, any existing configs with explicit non-top-level mailboxes
have to be changed, but that's very easy to do mechanically for pine and
other imap-uw clients.  Note though that by default a lot of people
don't use anything other than "INBOX" or other top-level folder names in
their incoming-folders entries and they still work transparently of course.

I don't know yet if any mozilla configs may have to be changed, but they

I presume you cross-posted to the postfix list to see if there are any
MTA issues?  None that I know of, though of course correspondents
sending directly to a user's specific non-INBOX incoming folder will
have to use the new separator too, but again I would expect (given what
I've seen of addresses using explicit folder names) that most people
use top-level names for all their incoming folders.

						Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098                  VE3TCP            RoboHack <woods at>
Planix, Inc. <woods at>          Secrets of the Weird <woods at>

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