Cyrus to USENET gateway

Nils Vogels nivo at
Wed Sep 24 19:26:19 EDT 2003

Ken Murchison wrote:

> Florian Hars wrote:
>> Ken Murchison wrote:
>>> Why not just have the newsserver feed directly to Cyrus?
>> Things aren't what they used to be. Typical providers will offer 
>> their clients NNRP access with NEWNEWS disabled (if they offer news 
>> at all), there is no talk of "feeding".
>> Trying to get suck <url:ttp://> 
>> to cooperate with cyrus would probably be easier that reimplementing 
>> suck within cyrus.
> At first glance, I think suck will work just fine.  You'll have to 
> create the sucknewsrc file manually, since Cyrus doesn't use the 
> typical files used by news servers (active, etc).

I've got suck working. I'm currently filling my news partition using:

suck -a -A -bp -c -hl localhost -dd . -dm . -dt 
. -p .provider -i 0, which will probably end up as a Cyrus event.

However, lmtp2nntp is now giving me authentication quirks, when trying 
to email-reply on a message sent to the box.

Postfix is taking the message just find, and handing it over to 
lmtp2nntp, which errors out on the authentication prompt, coming from 
the Cyrus nntpd.

  <usenet+nl.test at>. 554-5.4.2 destination#0 localhost
    returned NNTP: cannot deliver message 554 5.4.2 destination#0 localhost
    lastresp "480 Authentication required" (in reply to end of DATA command

Now, I see two possible solutions:

1) Tell Cyrus NNTPD not to force authentication for localhost
2) Tell lmtp2nntp to authenticate to Cyrus.

Offcourse, the latter option has my preference, but this does not seem to be a valid option within lmtp2nntp, and I cannot seem to find the correct option within Cyrus to limit the authentication to a certain IP range. Is it possible at all ?

Once this is done, I'll post a wrap-up of my activities to the list, so others can implement a bit more smoothly ;)




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