Cyrus IMAP use questions.

Denis V. Suhanov den at
Tue Sep 23 12:56:26 EDT 2003

Hello all,

I've  already  asked  a  few  questions  here and the mailing list was
extremely  helpful (in fact, I only was able to start using Cyrus IMAP
server  after  asking  around  here).  Once  again,  I  want  to thank
everybody who replied and helped me with my problems.

Now  I have a couple of questions regarding the neat little things I'd
like  to  implement  on  my  mail  server upon user's requests.

First  of  all,  I  wanted  to  implement  incoming  mail  sorting via
procmail. Considering that none of my users have local shell accounts,
what  is the right way to implementing individual procmail scripts for
those  users  who don't want to use sieve? Or should I use sieve as an
alternative?  My  only  concern with it is that most of the clients my
users  use are unaware of sieve and I have no clue how to provide them
an access to their sieve's scripts in this case.

I  also  was  asked  to  provide an ability to collect mail from other
user's  accounts  automatically (mostly pop3) and to put it in my IMAP
server's  folders. Fetchmail seems to be useful for that, but the same
problem  appears - since my users do not have local accounts, I am not
sure  what  would  be  a right way to create fetchmail's configuration
files  for  each  of  them  individually.  I  am thinking of providing
something  like  an  SSL-wrapped  web page with authentication against
sasldb  for  this,  but  still  you  might have a better idea on that.
Speaking  of  this approach, is there a standard tool for this kind of
authentication  (SSL-ed  webpage  and  sasldb)?  I  am  asking because
another problem I have here is letting users change their sasldb-based
passwords without having to log in to the box.

And  the  last  (and  probably  the most stupid) question is regarding
'details  delivery'.  I know that it is possbile to specify the folder
name   together   with  an  e-mail  address  so  the  letter  will  be
automatically  put  in the folder specified (user+work at, for
example,  is supposed to put an e-mail into 'work' folder give that it
exists).  But  I  am  not sure what parameters I have to specify in my  to get this to work. I am using cyrusv2 local delivery (I
believe  it  uses  LMTP, right?) Do I have to use any special rules or
pass any special parameters to the for this feature to work?

Thank you all very much, I would really appreciate any help with these

Sincerely yours,
 Denis                                           mailto:den at

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