postfix - cyrus-sasl - cyrus-imapd on RedHat

grenoml grenoml at
Tue May 6 14:03:47 EDT 2003

Hi all,

Well, I'm trying to get:
postfix 2.0.8
cyrus-sasl 2.1.10 (RH distro)
cyrus-imapd 2.2ALPHA (virtdom)
web-based sieve

working on RH9.

I downloaded SRPMS:
postfix SRPM from Simon Mudd
cyrus-imapd SRPM from Simon Matter
cyrus-sasl SRPM from RedHat (distro ver)

In recompiling these RPMS what specific options should I be paying
close attention?  

I'm looking at two HOWTOs from Luc and Koros but they really don't tell
you ramifications of some of the options.  They just say here do this. 
I want to understand how all these options work together.

I want to be able to use mysql for all authentication and TLS/SSL for

As a start I compiled postfix and enabled mysql option.

And I compiled cyrus-impad with defaults except selecting skiplist for 
all db options.

I'm now looking at cyrus-sasl.  Do I even need to recompile cyrus-sasl?

I looked at the cyrus-sasl spec and configure files and it doesn't show
--enable-openssl so does that mean cyrus-sasl as installed on RH does
not support TLS/SSL?  If it does support it already then I probably
don't need to recompile cyrus-sasl.  Is there any easy way to test

Gerry Reno

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