SSL with OperaMail leads to STARTTLS negotiation failed in the logs ?

Stephen L. Ulmer ulmer at
Sat May 10 22:40:44 EDT 2003

 "cs" == Christian Schulte <cs at> writes:

  cs> Hello, I just installed Opera on Windows because someone
  cs> reported problems with Opera's imapclient M2 if used with
  cs> SSL. Enabling the "use TLS" checkbox in Opera's account
  cs> configuration dialog does not lead to Opera using the desired
  cs> port 993 ! Opera remains using port 143 and then fails to
  cs> connect. In the logfiles I see entries like:

If Opera is using TLS (as opposed to IMAP over SSL) then it *should*
be connecting to port 143, then issuing a STARTTLS.

By chance is your IMAP server trying to use the TLS client cert for
authentication?  If you haven't issues the certs for that purpose
(like we haven't here at UF, no PKI) then that would fail.

I think I remember seeing that a self-signed client cert would fail
TLS negotiation because a failed TLS authentication would cause the
whole negotiation to fail.  Now I can't remember why I was even
looking at it...

Stephen L. Ulmer                              ulmer at
Senior Systems Programmer               
Northeast Regional Data Center                      VOX: (352) 392-2061
University of Florida                               FAX: (352) 392-9440

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