Restricted posting to bulletin board

Michael Bacon baconm at
Mon Mar 3 21:30:20 EST 2003

I'm closed to blind from upgrading sendmail all day, but I'll see if I can 
answer your question:

You'll need to establish some "AuthInfo" in sendmail to pass along to LMTP. 
The easiest and best way to do this is with special tags in the access 
database.  Here's some tips for doing that:

In other words, you'll want to set up an lmtpadmin in the imapd.conf, and 
give that user a way to authenticate.  (In the simplest sense, user 
"sendmail" with a password.)  Then, you'll specify that information in the 
access database with a line that looks something like:

AuthInfo:localhost "U:sendmail" "I:sendmail" "P:password" 

That's the heart of it.  You may need to do a few more steps, but that 
should get you started.


--On Sunday, March 02, 2003 22:38:10 -0500 "J. Eckard" <joe at> 

> I am having trouble trying to create a bulletin board that can only be
> posted to by a select few users. I created the mailbox "staff"
> (createmailbox staff) and set the acl (setaclmailbox staff eckard
> lrswipcda), however I can't post to it by sending mail to
> "+staff at". If I change the acl so that "anyone" can post to it,
> it works fine - and I'm stumped.
> I noticed one post in the archives that describes a similar problem, and
> the proposed solution was to make sure the SMTP AUTH info was passed to
> LMTP. How do I make sure this is happening, or how do I test it?
> I am using:
> Sendmail 8.12.7 (with working SMTP AUTH and STARTTLS) configured with
> 'cyrusv2' cyrus-imapd 2.1.12 (with working STARTTLS)
> cyrus-sasl 2.1.12.
> Both sendmail and imapd authenticate with method PLAIN (using saslauthd
> which is currently using PAM).
> Joe Eckard

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