API to write to lmtp directly

Ken Murchison ken at oceana.com
Wed Jul 9 10:22:45 EDT 2003

Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 13:13, mb wrote:
>>At 11:52 +0530 Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:
>>>Is there an API available with which I can directly write to lmtp
>>>instead of sending a mail
>>Er.. LMTP? :)
>>>I am presently using postfix and sending the mail, But I believe that
>>>calling an smtp agent has its own overheads.
>>>I am sending 10-15 messages to around 850 mailboxes every hour using
>>>postfix and aliases. The problem is there are too many lmtp processes
>>>and I get lmtp lock errors too often
>>You're asking the wrong list! I believe that's really quite a small 
>>message load, and that postfix can talk LMTP over a unix socket directly.
>>Are the lmtp processes "lmtpd" or "deliver" ?
> It is not that my server is getting loaded up because of the mails. 
> After I limt the number of concurrent lmtp connections I am able to 
> reduce the db lock errors to a great extent. Now I have set max lmtp 
> processes as 100 , But what will happen if my user mailboxes grow to 
> 4000 from todays 850 then the mails will be delayed forever. By the time 
> there will be the next batch to process.
> So I thought if there was a way of directly writing to lmtp and to all 
> mailboxes at the same time I will do better

You do not want to try to deliver mail outside of the protocols, if 
that's what you mean.

In theory you should be able to deliver a message to all of your users 
with one LMTP connection.  The connection would have one RCPT TO command 
for each user.  I don't know off of the top of my head if lmtpd limits 
the number or recipients that are allowed in one connection, but I know 
its more than 8.  If Postfix is making 100 connections to deliver the 
same message to 850 recipients, then its misconfigured.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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