requiring encryption but not from localhost?

Scott Adkins adkinss at
Wed Jul 30 10:21:01 EDT 2003

--On Wednesday, July 30, 2003 2:35 PM +0100 Matt Bernstein 
<mb/cyrus at> wrote:

> At 08:59 -0400 Scott Adkins wrote:
>>     SOLUTION:
>>     In /etc/imapd.conf (the default file), have allowplaintext:no in it.
>>     In another config file, maybe /etc/imapd-local.conf, have yes as the
>>     value of that paramter.  Then in your cyrus.conf file, you can call
>>     the services like the following:
>>     imap       cmd="imapd" listen="hostname:imap"
>>     imapp      cmd="imapd -C /etc/imapd-local.conf"
>>     listen="localhost:imap" imaps      cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps"
> Neat trick! :) I'm not sure what "imapp" is, but I've got sieve only
> listening on localhost for now. A necessary evil till we either find PHP
> 4.3 in sid, or move to Red Hat..

The "imapp" tag is just that, a tag.. it means nothing, except that it has
to be different form the other lines... and I believe that is what should
show up in SNMP queries if you compiled that support in.  I just chose the
'p' to mean plaintext port.

      Scott W. Adkins      
   UNIX Systems Engineer                  mailto:adkinss at
        ICQ 7626282                 Work (740)593-9478 Fax (740)593-1944
     PGP Public Key available at
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