2 more questions: domains and tags

Ken Murchison ken at oceana.com
Sat Feb 1 22:12:52 EST 2003

Quoting Phil Howard <phil-info-cyrus at ipal.net>:

> On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 11:34:24AM -0500, Rob Siemborski wrote:
> | On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
> | 
> | >     Is this done so transparently with Cyrus-IMAP that it didn't
> | >     even need mention?  Or is it not done at all?
> | 
> | There are some unofficial hacks to do virtual domains in 2.1, there's
> | reasonable support for it in 2.2.
> How will bob at example.com and bob at example.net login?  Will it know which
> user is logging in by them providing that as their login name?

Yes.  The virtdomain support in 2.2 can use either fully qualified useridz (as
you show above) or it can do a reverse lookup of the interface that the
connection comes in on (for those who have IPs to burn).

> | >     Will Cyrus-IMAP deliver these tagged addresses into different
> | >     mailboxes, inboxes, or folders, if they exist?  Will it still
> | >     deliver to the principle mailbox if not?  Or will it try to
> | >     create tha tagged folder if it does not exist?  Also, Is there
> | >     a way for the user to specify a forwarding address instead of
> | >     a local delivery?
> | 
> | A LHS of "foo+bar" will do roughly the following:
> | 
> | - run through a sieve script, if the script takes any action, that
> | happens.
> | 
> | - if a message is just "kept" (or there is no sieve script), then it will
> | attempt to file into user.foo.bar, if 'anyone' (or whoever the message is
> | authorized as) doesn't have the 'p' permission, this will fail.
> I presume that ("user.foo.bar") is a mailbox name.  Does that map to a
> file or directory in the file store?
> | - message is filed into the INBOX as a last resort.
> So if the user wants that particular destination to be stored separate
> they can create the mailbox in advance to ensure that?
Yes.  It must be created and have the correct ACL (posting allowed for anyone).

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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