Global admin?

Patrick T. Tsang patrick at
Wed Aug 13 23:24:07 EDT 2003

I have tried to setup the global admin for 2.2.1 beta according to the doc but I failed.
I have also read the mailling list, just found a litte help...

RH 9
Cyrus-imapd-2.2.1 beta
Openldap 2.1.22-4 (rawhide)

This is my extract of my config files:
admins: cyrus cyrus at
defaultdomain: localdomain

All the user records are kept in openldap 2.1.22.

If I type: " cyradm --user cyrus localhost " , the log tells me that it is cyrus at localdomain.
I thought it is the global admin, but it doesn't since there are some domains which are added by cyrus at,
I even can't list the domain user mailbox,nothing in here using " cyrus " login.
So I think the cyrus at localdomain user is just one of the domain user which is NOT global user.
How to setup the global admin user?

Seems that some users have the same problems. 
Anyone can help?


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