Error with deliver-db

lst_hoe lst_hoe at
Fri Sep 13 07:03:24 EDT 2002


we are testing a mailsystem with Postfix+Cyrus 2.0.16 for (peak) high
incoming volume. By testing with many small mails we get the following error :

duplicate_check: closing /var/lib/imap/deliverdb/deliver-t.db :
DB_INCOMPLETE: Cache flush was unable to complete

I have seen this mentioned in the archive but i found no answer how to fix
this or if this is a critical error. Setting "singleinstancestore: no" have
not helped.
The only way to circumvent this error seem to be the
"local_destination_concurrency_limit = 1" in postfix but i am afraid of
loosing performance this way.
Is Cyrus lmtp really not able to deliver high volume in parallel manner?

Thanxs for any help



Andreas Hödle

Kühn & Weyh Software GmbH


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