Exporting single user mailboxes.

Michael Salmon Michael.Salmon at uab.ericsson.se
Mon Sep 16 02:13:03 EDT 2002

On Sunday, September 15, 2002 07:23:26 PM +0200 Simon Matter 
<simon.matter at ch.sauter-bc.com> wrote:
| > Quoting Rob Siemborski <rjs3 at andrew.cmu.edu>:
| >
| >> On Sun, 15 Sep 2002, Tarjei Huse wrote:
| >>
| >> > Hi, does anyone have a perl script for exporting a users mailboxes
| >> into a format that the user can be given as a tgz and then open and
| >> read with a normal emailclient, preferably some windoes client?
| >> I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here.  What windows
| >> client are you trying to use that doesn't support either IMAP or POP3?
| > I'm deleting users from our system as they have quit. Because I cannot
| > whant to wait untill the user might come around to retrive their mail, I
| > want to export it and tar it up together with the users homedir etc and
| > put it in a separate place for storage.
| >
| > The reason I want the format to be winblos accessible is so I can give
| > the user his/her mail on a CD and tell them "use netscape" or something
| > and then be done with it :). Didn't netscape4 use mbox?
| IIRC the format used in Cyrus IMAP is just a file for every message
| containing the hole message, isn't it. So you should be able to just "cat
| *. > Cyrus" and put it into the nsmail directory of netscape communicator
| 4. Maybe you have to modify the cat... because you may have to make sure
| there is a blank line between every message.

You will need to create a line starting with "From " for every message and 
fix any lines that start with From, >From etc ad nauseum.

This space intentionally left non-blank.

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