Perl module interface

matsu matsu at
Mon Sep 23 15:14:42 EDT 2002

OBATA Akio <obata at> wrote @2002/09/23 22:13:39 title Re: Perl module interface :
> > Sure thing, I can login by this command.
> > $ cyradm --user foo localhost
> Try
> $ cyradm --user foo --auth login localhost
> Is it succeed?

result of above command.
$ cyradm --user foo --auth login localhost
IMAP Password:
              Login failed: authentication failure at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5
.6.0/i386-linux/Cyrus/IMAP/ line 78
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with login as foo

But I could login with cram-md5 option
 $ cyradm --user foo --auth cram-md5 localhost
Please enter your password:

> Porbably, this is plain authentication issue.
> Try to change your script
>         -mechanism => 'login',
> to
>         -mechanism => 'cram-md5',
Changed above line, and execute I got a prompt displayed
Please enter your password:

By typing correct password, I could make a correct mailbox.
But, cannot login and make mailbox automatically...

Yuki Matsukura <matsu at>

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