how many users can Cyrus server support? -- is 5.5 msg/sec sl
Su Li
sli at
Tue Sep 24 17:20:11 EDT 2002
First of all I can get 9-10 messages per second now by move the mail store
to a striped hard disk(3 disk strip to one).
I think there are more than one sendmail deliver processes try to deliver to
lmtpd. Because when I increase the speed of sending, I will see the number
of imapd processes growing. Then I will see a lot of db error 331lockers
ect. I know imap can not handle that speed.
So more deliver processes doesn't mean good performance. Actrually I am
trying to modify the program to limit the number of processes(lmtpd and
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Barber [mailto:steveb at]
Sent: September 18, 2002 2:39 PM
To: Su Li
Subject: Re: how many users can Cyrus server support? -- is 5.5 msg/sec
Su -
Can you explain how you're measuring this?
With sequential sendmail deliveries, or multiple deliveries in parallel?
I suspect you'll be able to accept a lot more messages with multiple
deliveries in parallel.
On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 01:40:04PM -0400, Su Li wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been trying my best to get better delivery speed of Cyrus server.
> I am stop at 5.5 mesg/sec. I wonder, can any body tell me how many users
> your cyrus mail server support? --no matter what system or configuration
> are using. Also if you can tell me how many emails through put you can get
> from your mail server? -- that will be the best.
> Right now, I don't know is 5.5 msg/sec slow or not.
> 5.5 * 3600 * 24 = 475200 msg/day
> If each user send 4 mails per hour, 4 * 24 =96 msg/day
> 475200 / 96 = 4950 users
> That means my cyrus mail server can only support 4950 users. That is not
> much for a big organization.
> So can you let me know the max number of users you can support on your
> system or max though put msg/sec? If 5.5 msg/sec if the right number, I
> stop trying :)
> Thank you.
> Su
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