hierarchical grouping of users

Mike O'Rourke mike.orourke at op.org
Wed Oct 9 16:07:55 EDT 2002

There is a package called web-cyradm that uses a mysql or pgsql (a recent
addition) database for user management and authentication. With it you can
group your users and you can set and change quotas for all users in a group.

The project's home page is here: 

I have played with it, but want to migrate to an LDAP solution, so I did not
invest much time in it.

>Jules Agee said:
>Some of what you suggest is possible if you set up an LDAP directory.
>Specifically, the maildap program that is distributed with OpenLDAP
>allows you do deliver mail to a hierarchy of groups. The difference is
>that the group expansion is done in the area of the MTA (where it
>belongs). I am using it right now in production and it works great.
>If I remember correctly, someone submitted a few patches to the list a
>while back for using LDAP to manage quotas, but I don't recall whether
>it was hooked into the group mechanism or just single-user quota info
>stored in the directory.
>Mark Keasling wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a question about user management.  (Well not me in particular
> > but it was raised here and I've been tasked with finding out.)
> >
> > Currently user management seems to be done on a one by one basis.  Won't
> > management become difficult when users number in the thousands or tens
> > of thousands?
> >
> > Has there been or is there being done any work on groups in particular
> > hierarchical groups?  The groups could be used as a target for
> > management tasks such as setting quotas, access restrictions and what
> > not.  A change made to the group would be propagated to all of the
> > members.  The functionality could also be extended to mail delivery
> > so that mail sent to the group could optionally be delivered to the
> > members.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Mark Keasling <mark at air.co.jp>
> >
>Jules Agee
>System Administrator
>Pacific Coast Feather Co.
>julesa at pcf.com      x284

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