Search: takes time of what order?

Ian McDonald ian at
Mon Oct 21 06:13:03 EDT 2002

From: "Ken Murchison" <ken at>
> Ian McDonald wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does Cyrus do any indexing or other preparation to reduce the time taken
> > search large mail collections?
> Yes, if you create a "squat" index for it, by using the "squatter"
> tool.  Since this only indexes messages currently in the mailbox, you
> should setup squatter to be an EVENT in cyrus.conf, if the mailbox
> constantly grows.

So a search on a "squat" index will miss messages added since the most
recent execution of squatter?

Should Cyrus have any problems executing a SEARCH on a hierarchy of folders,
some of which have SQUAT indices and some cannot?

Can a SQUAT index be removed simply by deleting the files?

(In which case, I'm going to need to add a subroutine to Cyrus that will
delete a squat index whenever a file changes; or a subroutine to the
searches that will ignore indices older than the folder itself. Oh, for an
API :). ).

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