When users delete mail, I want it to be moved to Trash.

Rob Siemborski rjs3 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Oct 21 14:43:38 EDT 2002

On 21 Oct 2002, Simon Loader wrote:

> I would have thought this falls more in the client end of what should
> happen ? Cyrus has no idea what a Trash folder is (nor IMAP in general).

This is dead-on correct.  It's a client's responsibility if this is the
functionality that is desired.

Of course, often times this functionality will break in stupid looking
ways, since it's against the grain of how IMAP was designed.  For example,
in this situation, clients need to be careful to be sure that over quota
users can recover from this situation (if they're over quota, you can't
COPY the message to their trash folder!).

There have been ways to do this in-protocol via scanning of all folders
for the \Deleted flag and just using that to create a "virtual" trash
folder (sice it is, in the end, just a user interface issue).  I don't
think this scale's terribly well, but it's the most "correct" solution.
It also allows better interoperation between different mail clients.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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