Fw: pop3d unstable

Damian Gerow damian at sentex.net
Wed Oct 30 15:21:37 EST 2002

Spake Hank Beatty on 30/10/2002, 14:52:29 -0500:
> I seem to be having the same problem, but don't understand your solution.
> What do you mean "running out of entophy" and do you know how to fix it?

I believe he means 'entropy'.  And fixing it depends on your OS.
FreeBSD users can try vmstat -i to get a list of interrupts, then
rndcontrol -s to set the ones which are used to contribute to system

I'm not sure how to control the contributors to the entropy pool under
Linux or Solaris, however.  A quick Google search should turn
something up.

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