am I right OR what's the right way

Andrei V.Loukinykh avl at
Mon Nov 11 13:39:42 EST 2002

Hello Simon,

Monday, November 11, 2002, 7:38:17 PM, you wrote:

SL> Didn't realize this was about SQLauxprop till rob replied..

SL> I think the error is quite obvious it cant find the mysqlclient shared 
SL> library. 1. You compiled it on a different machine 2. ldconfig doesn't 
SL> have the path to libmysqlclient.
  It is strange.. As i mentioned, I compiled sasl with an option:
  I have mysql libraries/includes in /usr/local/lib/mysql,

  I have compiled mysql, sasl, cyrus, db4.0.14 - all on the same
  I tried to make a link in /usr/lib/sasl2  to
  /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient... That didnt help
  I'll try to add path ty mysql libs in

Best regards,
 Andrei                            mailto:avl at

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