Skiplist / best practice for 2.1 branch

Tim Pushor timp at
Mon Nov 18 15:11:00 EST 2002

Rob Siemborski wrote:

>On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Tim Pushor wrote:
>>I have done some research on the skiplist algorithm, but am wondering
>>about the cyrus implementation. Is it stable?
>I didn't know anyone else was implementing a persistant skiplist.  Our
>implementation is stable (and I thought "proprietary").
Ahh, I didn't dig deep enough (or notice) that if the various 
implementations are persistent or just memory resident.

>>What is the current recommended/best practice for configuring 2.1.10?
>>Which components should be DB as compared to skiplist?
>This is in the mailing list about 8 times, but..
I apologize. I truly couldn't find much on the recommended configuration.

>>duplicate? mboxlist? seen? subs? tls?
>db3_nosync, skiplist, skiplist, flat, db3_nosync
If this truly is a 'best practice', should it be added to the 
documentation? or to a FAQ?

While I'm at it - what does the 'db3' of 'db3_nosync' mean? I have to 
assume it isn't the version of Berkeley (Sleepycat) DB as one can use 4.1 ..


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