How to make cyrus not change non US-ASCII characters to "X"

Jonathan Marsden jonathan at
Thu Nov 21 13:27:27 EST 2002

On 21 Nov 2002, Peter Runestig writes:

> I'm using this little sendmail milter to fix the subject line (could of 
> course be extended to fix other headers as well):

This is a nice idea.  Your program does not seem to encode the equals
sign "=" or underscore "_" in 'Q' encoded headers.  I suspect that in
your function mlfi_eom:

  if (subj[n] & 0x80 || subj[n] == ' ' || subj[n] == '\t' || subj[n] == '?') {

should be:

  if (subj[n] & 0x80 || subj[n] == ' ' || subj[n] == '\t' || subj[n] == '?' || subj[n] == '=' || subj[n] == '_') {

Otherwise (I think) Section 4.2(3) of RFC2047 is not quite being followed.

Also, extending this milter to handle From: and To: and Cc: and so
forth would require an RFC822 header parsing capability, so it could
distinguish ctext, text, and word tokens within them.  I suspect that
would significantly increase the complexity of the code.

Jonathan Marsden       	| Internet: jonathan at	| Making electronic 
1252 Judson Street  	| Phone: +1 (909) 795-3877	| communications work 
Redlands, CA 92374     	| Fax:   +1 (909) 795-0327	| reliably for Christian 
USA            		|	| missions worldwide 

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