[Disksim-users] syssim error--------./src/syssim: internal error: last event not completed.

leon hsu liangxiongxu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 19:20:13 EDT 2012

Hi guys,

When I was testing the system simulator(Disksim) using a big trace file, it
runs a long time. However, it shows up the error "./src/syssim: internal
error: last event not completed." after 30 minutes (depending on the trace
file). Does anybody get into the same trouble before?

If you encountered the same error like mine, could you tell me the possible
reasons in details about it one by one? That would be very helpful for me.

It is not easy to find out the issue. I think the Disksim is not perfect
and it has some hidden problems itself. So just write down your experience
for me.

I am so appreciated for your help!!! Thanks.

The below function located in the file syssim_driver.c

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    if (!completed) {
          "%s: internal error. Last event not completed %d\n",
          argv[0], i);

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