[Disksim-users] Request arrival rate

David Maung dmaung at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 3 14:12:20 EDT 2009

> The simulation stops with a message "Stopping simulation because of

I ran into this error myself.  It is a hard limit.  In disksim_lororg.c, you
can find the offending code as:

   if (currlogorg->stat.outstanding >= MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Stopping simulation because of saturation: simtime %f,
totalreqs %d\n", simtime, disksim->totalreqs);
      fprintf (outputfile, "Stopping simulation because of saturation:
simtime %f, totalreqs %d\n", simtime, disksim->totalreqs);
      fprintf (outputfile, "last request:  dev=%d, blk=%d, cnt=%d, %d
(R==1)\n",curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->bcount, (curr->flags & READ));

MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH is 10000 and is not based on any underlying cache
configuration or anything.  For example, I have configured a memory cache of
8192 blocks, but outstanding requests can still exceed 10000, perhaps due to
multiple requests for the same blocks, etc.  I would be inclined to comment
out this code, if, as in my case, you actually find it to be invalid for
your given configuration.

David Maung

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