[Disksim-users] Which queue for scheduling scheme ?

Greg Ganger ganger at ece.cmu.edu
Mon Jan 21 21:25:46 EST 2008

There are multiple queues, including one at each disk and one for each
driver-level device at the simulated device driver level.  Each has a
scheduling algorithm.

Good luck,


On Tue, 22 Jan 2008, Yinliang Yue wrote:

> In disksim, there are multiple queues, for example, the queue for device
> drives, the queue for controls and the queue for disks.
> I think the queue related to multiple disk scheduling schems (e.g. SSTP,
> SCAN and so on) are the queue for device drives not the queue for disks.
> This is also imposed in the reference manual of disksim 3.0 implicitly.
> However, let us have a look at RAID1, there are multiple disks in one RAID.
> so there are multiple disk heads, and then there are multiple positioning
> times for a specific request for  a data, because of the mirror of data.
> I think there must be a selection algorithm in the driver of RAID to
> deciding which replica will be read.
> Would anyone tell me whether the conclusion i guess is right or not ?
> The scheduling schemes are really implemented in device drivers not in disks
> ?

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