[DANCE] (correction) Joseph Jay Williams presenting MOOClets on September 10

Oliver Ferschke ferschke at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Sep 4 15:21:49 EDT 2015

(In my last mail, I got the title of the October talk wrong. Sorry about that. Here’s the mail again with the corrected title.)

Dear DANCE partners,
we would like to invite you all to the upcoming DANCE talk on Thursday, September 10 at 11.00 EDT.
Joseph Jay Williams from HarvardX is going to talk about  "MOOClets - A Framework for Enhancing and Personalizing Online Education”.
As usual, you can find more information about the speaker and his talk on the DANCE website under

The October talk will be held by Amy Ogan and Jessica Hammer from Carnegie Mellon University.
In their talk on October 15, Amy and Jessica are going to talk about ”Avenues for underrepresented learners in MOOCs: Understanding prevalence, geographic representation, and homophily in MOOC-associated Facebook groups".
You can find more information under

Looking even further into the future, Pierre Dillenbourg from the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) will be our guest on November 5. The topic of his talk will be announced soon on this mailing list and on our website under http://dance.cs.cmu.edu<http://dance.cs.cmu.edu/>

In other news, Carolyn Rosé recently participated in a Q&A session about DANCE at the Open edX Universities Symposium. You can find the blog post covering the Q&A session here: http://openedxuniversities.org/2015/09/04/qa-with-prof-carolyn-rose/

We hope to see many of you on Thursday at the DANCE talk and welcome everyone of you to participate in the discussions in our Google group on https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dancecollab

All the best,
Oliver and Carolyn

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