AW: AW: sasl-canonuser-plugin via sql

Dan White dwhite at
Mon Apr 26 13:34:22 EDT 2010

On 26/04/10 16:11 +0200, Lars Duesing wrote:
>Hi Dan,
>have you any improvements or such found? I'm quite curious, because I hacked
>all together due to lack of official documentation of canonuser-plugins.
>(only docs I found was the stripplus-demo)

I didn't get a chance to compile your code but I took a look at it.

I'd grab a copy of 2.1.24rc1 and examine the ldapdb plugin, which is a
combined auxprop and canon user plugin.

An approach I would recommend is to combine your code with the existing sql
auxprop plugin and add the appropriate canonuser_plug_init code to that
file, which should make your patch a bit smaller.

You could reuse the existing sql_* parameters for your canonuser code and
create a new parameter, i.e. sql_canon_select, that would be used to return
the canonized user.

You should also update docs/options.html with any new parameters you
introduce and some explanation of how to make use of your sql canon code.

Dan White

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