Cyrus-sasl (?!) headers - Mac OS X 10.4+

Sebastian Hagedorn Hagedorn at
Wed Nov 21 15:52:35 EST 2007

-- Evan Schoenberg <evan at> is rumored to have mumbled on 21. 
November 2007 10:35:10 -0600 regarding Re: Cyrus-sasl (?!) headers 
- Mac OS X 10.4+:

> So... building against 2.1.18's headers compiled fine and works on Mac OS
> X 10.5 flawlessly  - thanks for the pointer about the version number.

I'm a bit surprised, because my test was on 10.4. I'd've expected a more 
recent version under 10.5. We got an XServe with Leopard Server today, so 
here's what I get there:

$ strings /usr/lib/libsasl2.dylib | grep 2\.1

> However, on Mac OS X 10.4, authorization attempts (at least using the
> PLAIN mechanism which many XMPP servers use) fail.  The way that they
> fail is.. interesting.  I'd chalked this up to header mismatch before,
> but that seems unlikely now.

Especially since 10.4 *is* 2.1.18.

> On Mac OS X 10.5, we get the correct output.  For a user name of 'evan'
> and a password of 'password', the outgoing data is ZXZhbnBhc3N3b3Jk. This
> is the base64 encoded version of 'evanpassword'
> However, on Mac OS X 10.4 using the same binary of the library which
> makes use of libsasl2, we get strange output.  For a user name of 'evan'
> and a password of 'password', the outgoing data is
> ZXZhbmV2YW5wYXNzd29yZA==.  This is the base64 encoded version of
> 'evanevanpassword'; the username gets duplicated.  This, of course, fails
> authentication.
> Where do you think I should go looking for the source of this difference?

Maybe there's a realm in there? I only vaguely remember how that part works 
... I think there are people on this list who are more qualified than me to 
answer that.
Sebastian Hagedorn - RZKR-R1 (Flachbau), Zi. 18, Robert-Koch-Str. 10
Zentrum für angewandte Informatik - Universitätsweiter Service RRZK
Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - Tel. +49-221-478-5587
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