Cyrus-sasl (?!) headers - Mac OS X 10.4+

Evan Schoenberg evan at
Wed Nov 21 11:35:10 EST 2007

On Nov 19, 2007, at 1:14 PM, Evan Schoenberg wrote:

>> If you really need them perhaps you'd be better of installing  
>> 2.1.18 ...
> Well, 2.1.18 is already installed by default... but the point of  
> using the 2.1.18 sources is exactly what I wanted to try; I just  
> didn't know what 'real' version of cyrus-sasl to get.  On my local  
> system (Mac OS X 10.5), this has worked perfectly... I need to test  
> it out on a 10.4 system to be sure that this is a complete solution.

So... building against 2.1.18's headers compiled fine and works on Mac  
OS X 10.5 flawlessly  - thanks for the pointer about the version  
number.  However, on Mac OS X 10.4, authorization attempts (at least  
using the PLAIN mechanism which many XMPP servers use) fail.  The way  
that they fail is.. interesting.  I'd chalked this up to header  
mismatch before, but that seems unlikely now.

On Mac OS X 10.5, we get the correct output.  For a user name of  
'evan' and a password of 'password', the outgoing data is  
ZXZhbnBhc3N3b3Jk. This is the base64 encoded version of 'evanpassword'
However, on Mac OS X 10.4 using the same binary of the library which  
makes use of libsasl2, we get strange output.  For a user name of  
'evan' and a password of 'password', the outgoing data is  
ZXZhbmV2YW5wYXNzd29yZA==.  This is the base64 encoded version of  
'evanevanpassword'; the username gets duplicated.  This, of course,  
fails authentication.

Where do you think I should go looking for the source of this  

Thanks again,
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