Double sieveshell and installsieve

Дилян Палаузов dilyan.palauzov at
Fri Apr 13 06:27:25 EDT 2012


in the cyrus-imapd repository, in both cyrus-imapd-2.4 and master, the 
sieveshell and installsieve are presented twice:

sieveshell is in /SIEVE/scripts/sieveshell and 

installsieve is in /installsieve/installsieve and in 

and installsieve/libinstallsieve.a and perl/sieve/lib/libisieve.a 
contain more or less the same files.

My question is, what is the intended difference between the two 
sieveshell-s, between the two installsieve-s and between 
libinstallsieve.a and libisieve.a ? In case there is not supposed to be 
any difference, can the one of the copies be removed?

Със здраве

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