Your Cyrus imapd ACL patch

Kristóf Katus kristof.katus at
Fri Aug 12 07:46:59 EDT 2011

Hi there, 

so I git pulled the cyrus-imapd master branch, built the code, installed it, 
and ran cyrus-imapd with valgrind: "valgrind --show-reachable=yes --undef-
value-errors=yes --track-origins=yes --trace-children=yes --leak-check=full 

I tested the mboxlist.c:mboxlist_setacl codepath by hand, by using cyradm as 
user "admin", e.g. executing the "setacl user/base admin lrswipkxtecda" 
command amongst others. I was not able to reproduce Greg's valgrind output. 
Maybe I'm doing something wrong. 

Greg, could you please clarify what did you exactly do to produce that 
valgrind output, how did you use this test suite, what version of cyrus are 
you using etc? 



On Thursday, August 11, 2011 06:10:33 PM Kristóf Katus wrote:
> I'll look into this matter in detail tomorrow, I'm not familiar with the
> code either.

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