[CMUBDC] - USA Dance Nationals & More Competition Info!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Mar 9 16:23:38 EST 2022

Hello Dancers!!

Congratulations to everyone that competed at Arnold last weekend!! For
those of you (hopefully everyone) who had the most amazing time and can't
wait to compete again, read on for important info on USA Dance Nationals
and more!!

*USA Dance Nationals Registration*
*Registration forms* <https://forms.gle/WXh9rXkzfdja3Ajg6> (<-- click that
link!) are now available for USA Dance Nationals!! This event will be
taking place right here in Pittsburgh, PA on April 1st-3rd! Because there
is no travel involved, this event is FREE* for collegiate competitors. Aka,
you have no reason to say no! We're on a tight timeline for registration,
so please submit your forms ASAP! The absolutely final deadline for forms
is *Wednesday, March 16th*!

*The club will be covering registration fees for all active club members.
Adult (non-collegiate) competitors have to pay for individual events.
Everyone is responsible for buying their own USA Dance Membership (see
below). More details in the registration form.

*USA Dance Membership*
To compete at Nationals, all dancers are required to have a valid USA Dance
Membership. This costs $25 for students, and $70 for adults. You are
responsible for obtaining this membership on your own. Please go to
the *membership
page* <https://usadance.org/page/MemberPage> and follow the instructions
below to get yours!
1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click JOIN
2. Select DanceSport - Ballroom
3. Enter your registration information (use your email address as the
username, and select the Pittsburgh, PA Chapter #3007)
4. Select DanceSport Student - $25.00 (or Adult - $70 for non-collegiate
5. Enter additional profile information & submit payment
6. Email McKenzie (mckenziv at andrew.cmu.edu) a copy of the confirmation
and/or membership profile to verify your membership!

*USA Dance Nationals TBA*
The organizers for USA Dance are doing their best to connect all TBA
dancers with a partner ahead of time. If you know you will be dancing TBA,
and would like to get paired with a partner from another school please fill
out *this form <https://forms.gle/3uQa5HCVukEGVL5a6>* by *TOMORROW*!

We will also do our best to match people internally. However, note that
competitors are limited to only one level, so this may be a bit more
difficult than it has been in the past.

*Jacket Orders*
Final reminder that jacket orders are *DUE TODAY*! Please fill out *this
form <https://forms.gle/AV8iCojbh3Vw6uoB6>* if you want a personalized
jacket! We are doing our best to get the jackets for Nationals, so I can't
guarantee that you will be included in the order if you submit the form

*Competition Video Review*
Lastly, we will be hosting a video review on *Friday, March 25th from 6-8pm* in
Wean Hall Room 5403! We will be ordering pizza and watching videos from
both OSB and Arnold together. For current dancers, this is a great
opportunity to review your own dancing and receive constructive feedback to
prepare for Nationals! For new dancers, this is an awesome way to learn
more about how competitions work! And for everyone... Who doesn't like a
Friday night with a bunch of fun people and delicious pizza!

Enjoy your spring break, and we look forward to seeing you again at lessons
next week!!

Happy Dancing!
Your CMUBDC Competition Team Manager,
McKenzie van der Hagen
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