[CMUBDC] Professional Lessons Guidelines and Dance Shoes

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Sep 27 13:04:45 EDT 2018

Hello Ballroom Friends!

To better establish communication and respect between our professional
coaches and those of you who are taking professional lessons, the CMUBDC
board has talked to our coaches Christine and Rozana to understand their
expectations for their classes. Below you can find the guidelines for

Professional Lessons Guidelines


   Come to class on time

   Be active and ask questions

   Listen to the instructors first before helping people around you, don’t
   disrupt other people’s learning


      *Active competitors:*

         Gentlemen: Black pants, appropriate dance shoes

         Ladies: A skirt, appropriate dance shoes

      *Non-competitors and newcomers:*

         Wear anything comfortable

         Socks are okay

Keep in mind that we're not enforcing the expectations on everybody, but we
genuinely hope you understand our instructors are prestigious dance coaches
and judges in the US, and they deserve your respect during lessons.

Speaking of attire, there are two exciting opportunities coming up for you
to purchase dance shoes and dance wear!

*VE Dance Vendor*
VE Dance is coming to Pittsburgh *next Wednesday, Oct 3rd* during lessons
from 5pm - 9pm at Rangos Ballroom. They only come in once a semester so
don't miss the opportunity to try on high quality shoes and see the
difference they make in your dancing!

We're also looking into a discount banner with VE. The banner will later be
posted on our website. Stay tuned for more information to come.

*China Shoes Order*
Every year we present the opportunity to order shoes together in bulk for
cost.  This provides a relatively economical option.  For your shoes to be
ordered, you should fill out this form
<https://goo.gl/forms/PoeIFbyMkFcY65eo1> and bring money to Ying Chen (at
club lessons or practice) by *Sunday, Oct. 7*.  The shoes will take
approximately one month to arrive.  (Late Oct.) More details are included
in the form.

Finish this week strong and have a great weekend everyone!

Happy Dancing!
Ying Chen
CMUBDC President
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