[CMUBDC] Last Day of Free Lessons/Competition Team!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Sep 6 21:54:11 EDT 2016

Hello Ballroom Friends,

Last day for Ballroom Rush tomorrow! We're concluding Rush with two very
fun dances: Swing and Salsa! Don't miss out on this opportunity to take
FREE dance lessons one last time :) Also if you're interested in joining
our competition team, see below for more details.

*Wednesday 9/7 (Rangos 2/3)*
*7:00 RUSH (Swing and Salsa)*
9:00 Social

Saturday 9/10 (Danforth Lounge)
Considering joining Ballroom Dance Competition Team at CMU? Come to meet
our team members *at 11:30am on Saturday at Danforth Lounge* (next to the
Activities Room in the UC)! This is meant to be an event for you to get to
know more about the team, the officers and food will be served.

Afterwards at *12:30 in Activities Room, *a Newcomer Bootcamp will be held
and you are going to learn some techniques in the dances you've already
learned during Rush to perfect your dancing. We have the Activities Room on
both Saturday and Sunday from 12:30 to 3:30pm, but you're free to leave
early. *Note that NO experience or partner is required! :)*

Please respond to yingc1 at andrew.cmu.edu if you have any questions, concerns
etc. For more information about our club including
lessons,events,competitions etc., feel free to check out our club website
the public group <https://www.facebook.com/groups/1492384097734569/> and public
page <https://www.facebook.com/CMUBDC/?fref=ts> on FaceBook.

Happy Dancing and see you tomorrow night!

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