FW: Ovarian Cancer Day of Silence Flash Mob Practice

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Sep 14 10:47:34 EDT 2012

Hi, everyone!
On Saturday, September 22, there will be a flash mob at Station Square advertising for the Ovarian Cancer Day of Silence. If you would like to participate in this dance event for a good cause, please come to the first rehearsal this Saturday! If you want to participate, but cannot make it this week, drop me an e-mail so I can send you future updates, and try learning the beginning choreography from the video.

Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 18:41:00 -0400
Subject: Ovarian Cancer Day of Silence Flash Mob Practice
From: britaini.watterson at gmail.com
To: allisonterry2011 at gmail.com; apowers87 at gmail.com; aabst12 at mail.rmu.edu; britaini.watterson at gmail.com; cwmom3 at yahoo.com; cekas38 at aol.com; ruffin.cheryl at gmail.com; breskovic0998 at comcast.net; dstenzel14299 at comcast.net; denise.posluszny at gmail.com; jeb2859 at hotmail.com; j.glausser at comcast.net; jnd11 at pitt.edu; k1kresak at gmail.com; kmatesic9 at gmail.com; leighanneweiss at gmail.com; lethagordon at rocketmail.com; loricumer at yahoo.com; maryboyd8 at hotmail.com; murban at ovarian.org; michelebecker36 at gmail.com; george at kdka.com; pdivine00 at yahoo.com; pattoby at comcast.net; beggrs at yahoo.com; sevanuik at gmail.com; tmplunkett30 at gmail.com; tetyana_dol at hotmail.com; contentasme at gmail.com; jenniferschlieper at mac.com

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for expressing interest in joining the Ovarian Cancer Day of Silence Flash Mob! We hope this group will promote and juxtapose the OCDOS on Saturday, September 22 (six days before the Ovarian Cancer Day of Silence on Friday, September 28), at the fountain at Station Square (125 West Station Square Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15219). The dance will begin at approximately 6:00pm and run two minutes. We will ask that all participants be there by 5:30. More details are forthcoming. 

I realize this is short notice, but we can do this! It's going to be fun, and it's for a great cause. Our first group practice will be this Saturday, September 15, 6:30-8:00 pm. We have a room reserved at Carnegie Mellon University, Rangos 2 (the middle part of the big ballroom on the second floor of University Center). Parking at the garage off of Forbes Avenue will be free on Saturday. As you walk out of the garage, the UC is the first building towards the right. Here is a map: http://www.cmu.edu/homeimages/campus-map/CMU_MapColor_11x17.pdf. Please let me know if you plan on being at the practice. I will also have a sign-up sheet there.

If you cannot make it this Saturday, we hope to get another group practice in before the performance. Please start practicing on your own if you have any time. Here is a video of the choreography: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUSUmrTQwx8. A more complete video will be sent out very shortly, but this is a good start for practicing!

Finally, please forward this information on to anyone or any groups you think may be interested in joining in the fun!

Flash Mob Practice:Saturday, September 15
Rangos 2, University Center, Carnegie Mellon University6:30-8:00pm
Flash Mob Performance:Saturday, September 22
Station Square fountain 6:00, be there at 5:30
Ovarian Cancer Day of Silence:Friday, September 28
All day, everywhereIf you have any questions, feel free to email or call me. For more information about the Ovarian Cancer Day of Silence, visit www.tealdayofsilence.org. Also, please "Like" and share our page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/OvarianCancerDayofSilence. Thank you so much for your help in spreading ovarian cancer awareness!

Britaini Watterson

358 Ohiopyle Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15239
britaini.watterson at gmail.com
412.798.9849 (Home)
412.310.5761 (Cellular)

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