alice-teacher Binocular depth perception in Alice

Leonel Morales litomd at
Fri Jul 19 18:21:45 EDT 2019

This is wonderful news!!! Thanks for sharing.

2019-07-19 15:24 GMT-06:00, Don Slater <dslater at>:
> James,
> Thank you for sharing this. This is really cool, and I am looking forward to
> testing this.
> Let me also let everyone know that the Alice Project is preparing a release
> of Alice 3 (hopefully October) in which students will be able to export
> their projects into a file format (.a3w) which can then be used in a Alice
> Unity player, which will be released at the same time. If the player detects
> a VR rig, the students will be able to experience the project in VR. If not,
> the Alice project will run as if it is in the Alice environment, but through
> this player.
> We demonstrated this capability at CSTA ’19 in Phoenix. The attached image
> shows a user experiencing an Alice project with the Oculus Rift setup. It is
> our intention that we will add all the hooks for all the VR rigs that are
> available, although all the hooks may not be there until the spring.
> Let me also emphasize that this version is still Alice 3. If you remember
> the history of Alice, it started as a research tool for rapid prototyping of
> VR as part of Randy Pausch’s research and the Stage 3 research group. We are
> circling back to our roots.
> We are excited to be sharing this with you.
> All the best,
> Don Slater
> Alice Project
>> On Jul 17, 2019, at 1:12 PM, Vanderhyde, James <vanderhyde at>
>> wrote:
>> Hello, everyone. I had an idea to make a 3D video using Alice, where the
>> user can actually view it in 3D, and it worked pretty well, so I thought
>> I’d share. Unfortunately it’s a lot of steps, and I didn’t find a good way
>> to automate the process, so I didn’t use it in class. Please take a look,
>> and if you think of a way to automate this, it could be very cool.
>> The best way to view the resulting video is with Google Cardboard or
>> similar device on a phone. You can find all the steps and the resulting
>> video here:
>> <>
>> I’ll also paste the steps below in this email so you can take a look now.
>> Enjoy!
>> James
>>>> James Vanderhyde
>> Assistant Professor and Department Chair, Computer Science
>> Saint Xavier University
>> 3700 W. 103rd St.
>> Chicago, IL 60655
>> 773-298-3454
>> To make a 3D video in Alice, follow the steps below. I used Alice 2 on
>> MacOS, but the instructions should be adaptable to other environments.
>> First, the movie window size in Alice needs be an 8:9 ratio, rather than
>> the default 4:3, because we will use iMovie to make the final product, and
>> iMovie creates 16:9 ratio videos (widescreen). We need two images
>> side-by-side, so an 8:9 ratio will work perfectly (a little taller than
>> wide). You can set this in Alice 2 in the viewing angles in "seldom used
>> properties" on the camera. The vertical viewing angle should be changed to
>> 0.75; leave the horizontal viewing angle at 0.67.
>> Next, create your Alice movie as usual.
>> At the very beginning of your movie, create a duration 0 visible change
>> (e.g. turn light brightness to 0 and then to 1). We will need this to
>> align the timing of the left and right clips. It serves the same purpose
>> as a clapperboard in a regular movie.
>> Move the camera 0.05 m left for the viewer's left eye.
>> Play the movie, then start the video capture (command-shift-5 on Mac).
>> Hit Restart on the Alice window. If you don't see the light black out, hit
>> restart again. Sometimes it's not visible, so you have to keep restarting
>> until you see the light blink.
>> Stop the recording at the end of the movie.
>> Move the camera 0.10 m right for the viewer's right eye.
>> Record the movie again. Make sure you see the light black out at the
>> beginning. When you save the recording, make sure you know which clip is
>> right and which one is left.
>> Trim each clip so it begins right after the light turns on. (You can use
>> QuickTime Player on Mac).
>> Create a new project in iMovie, and add both clips. Add the right clip
>> first so you know which is which. The one you add first is considered the
>> main clip. Add the left clip so it overlaps with the first clip.
>> Line up both clips on the left. Trim the longer clip to the length of the
>> shorter.
>> Select the upper clip and choose Split Screen.
>> Share the video to a file or whatever you want.
>> You can watch the exported video in 3D using the "magic eye" trick if you
>> make the window small. You can also watch the video using Google Cardboard
>> or a similar device if you open the movie on your phone.
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