alice-teacher Remodeling Alice objects

Donald Slater dslater at
Thu Sep 6 20:31:43 EDT 2018

Unfortunately, the tutorial and materials you have already found on the website about creating and modifying 3D models for Alice is the best, though timely solution we are aware of…

Of course, correcting the hierarchy is not the same as building a model from scratch…

I am curious in what way some of the hierarchy’s are not properly arranged… Would you please point me at a specific model…

On another thought, do you think this is something you might fix by editing the .xml files?

Thank you for your comments…

All the best,
Don Slater

Alice Project

> On Sep 6, 2018, at 6:21 PM, EDIMEK PETER <dandelionspea at> wrote:
>   Hello there,
>     I thought of creating an animation in which I will use to explain Arrays. The human classes in the Hawii folder perfectly fitted the story I had in mind. 
>    But I encountered a problem when I started capturing poses for any 'human' object - their right hands always looses it orientation when you try to change the pose. And you can never get it back to the original position.
>    I have some knowledge in modelling and animation, so I was wondering if there is a way to edit them and possibly correct the problem of orientation. Some objects I found in the folder (Hawii) do not have their hierarchy properly arranged.
>    I've seen the tutorial on how to create new models and import them into Alice and I would love to do that but time isn't on my side.
>    Is there any way around it, or could it be the end of the road?
> Any idea is sincerely appreciated! 
> Sincerely, 
> Edimek Peter
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