alice-teacher Camera issues with 3.1

Donald Slater dslater at
Tue Feb 6 12:57:41 EST 2018

You are right, this code in Alice 3 does not function the same way as it does in Alice 2, and right now I do not have a good explanation for it. Here is a work around that comes close to replicating the Alice 2 behavior. You may play with the duration and loop control values to see if you get better performance.

Do Together
   camera move right 10 meters duration 4 seconds Begin and End Abruptly
   Count 4
       Camera pointAt (obj) duhration 1 Second Begin and End Abruptly

Let me know if you have any questions...

Don Slater
Alice Project

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 6, 2018, at 11:34 AM, Melia, James E. <jmelia at> wrote:
> I used to do a “do together”
>                 Object MOVE right 10
>                 Camera POINT AT Object
> and the camera would follow the object. It does not do this in 3.1.
> How do I make the camera stationary but focused on a moving object?
> Jim Melia
> Lansdowne HS
> Baltimore County Schools
> jmelia at
> 443-255-6729
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